Hi Everyone!
It’s been awhile since I have written to you on a personal note, and considering the craziness in the past few months; I thought it might be time to say “hi!”
Some really unexpected twists and turns have come my way since September. I am really just beginning to adjust to the ways of “full-time” artist life. It is interesting, to say the least. I am grateful for the diversity in education and experience that I have from my past. It has proven to be very essential.
Since September, when I last wrote, I’ve completed about 100 works, give or take. You have no idea how exciting that is! I have this theory – there is no way to make money off of your art, if you aren’t able to make enough of it. Right?
The first two collections, FLOWER FARM Volume 1 & 2, are mixed media on wood. And for the most part, Volume 1 is sold out. Which is totally wild.
Early into the New Year, I busted up my ankle again – really, really badly. I started painting watercolors upstairs in my living room, since I couldn’t stand downstairs to work…
…has anyone ever told you that “your mother is always right?”
if I ever get to see you in person I will tell you the full story, but let’s just say that my mom has been asking me to paint a crab for 4 years. Sheridan Costa at the Alchemy of Art has been asking me to do it for 2 years.
So, I painted the crab.
This crab is the most successful piece of art I have made in the past six years.
The watercolor and ink collection includes 29 pieces created over 2.5 months with the intention of licensing and reproductions, with product currently available in 20 retail locations.
It has been very exciting to see this work take life. Its funny when you make things, what you think will strike interests etc. This particular body of work has been very surprising for me. And, educational! It was challenging for me to make and has taught me things about my own art that I never even realized. That is one thing that is extra special about being a self-taught artist; The art-informed see things in your work that you don’t, and if you are lucky they tell you about it. It is super informative, in a backwards way – if that makes any sense…
Those conversations really made me appreciate the watercolor works more, and I have really grown to love them. Funny how that happens…
So, that is where we are professionally, riding the wave of the watercolor and inks for now J
On the other hand, in the midst of all of this excitement, my best fur ball friend – Lester Bangs, passed away due to a dormant kidney disease. I know in the grand scheme of world-crises and such…losing a pet should not be as devastating as it actually is. But, it is.
In a way, it’s a “blessing,” because this type of stuff has a way of jolting you back into reality. What matters and what doesn’t. I got to thinking again about who I want to be and why and questioning what I am still trying to prove and why…
I shifted some goals around for sure. Looking back on how all of this started, the goals I’ve set and accomplished – I’ve always challenged myself by finding new ways to set the bar higher. I kind of take pride in that, to be honest. It’s addicting, in a way, to find some new form of art and break it in.
Signing off for now!
All my love,