I am fortunate enough to be at the stage in my creative career that I am able to call up random people when I have wacky ideas.
When I returned home from Buffalo, I was pretty worn out. I took some time to reflect on things that were going on in my life and made a point to remove the negative and expand on the positive. There were many factors that were addressed in my quiet time, one being a relationship in particular. I had three pieces that remained incomplete from a few years prior. I really liked the concept, but they just really never did it for me. I came up with a pretty abstract ways to use the pieces to tell the story of that relationship.
I asked Eduardo if they could be included in the show if I reworked them and he said “yes!
….And, now here they are!
36″x36”, Heavy
You Are A Dick – Mixed media sculpture on wood
Everything But Her Face – Mixed media sculpture on wood
Onward Like Water – Mixed media sculpture on wood
ERO7 Install Day
Opening Night Photos